Wednesday 13 November 2013

Seven Areas of Representation, Gender.

Gender definition:

Stereotypes associated with gender, males and females:

Gender is the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).

controled by sex
Sexual Predators
Non emotional
Math and Science Oriented
Money Maker
Sexual Objects
Child rearing 

A common stereotype which is commonly associated to families within our society is that men are the part of the relationship who are known to go to work and earn the money to support the family. Then the women are expected to stay at home, look after the children, do the washing/cleaning and have the tea ready for when the husband arrives home from work. 
Another stereotype of gender is that the females are thought of sexual objects to males and that males are thought to be sexual predators and evolve around having sex.

Examples of stereotypes in media:

This is a music video from the song shes so lovely by scouting for girls. In this video a very attractive women enters the bowling allay. She wearing red high heels, tight clothing and smiles cheekily at all the men as well as biting her lip her gestures are very sexy which shows women as sexual objects and submissive over the looks from men. The body language and flirting she does makes females come across as sexual because of the looks and gestures. All the men are mouth dropping, stopping what they are doing, being distracted or acting silly because this women has come in. They all drop what they are doing to watch her which shows men as sexual predators and that their controlled by sex. One man gets up and pushes another man because he looked at his girlfriend, this shows men as aggressive over anything and little things. 

This is a clip from the program Rome. Because this clip is set in Rome and old times this proves that this representation of females staying at home and males going out and working is a old stereotype that isnt   In this clip at the start it shows a clear stereotype that women stay at home cook and clean and care for the children. But it also shows that men are non emotional as he shows no caring for the women as she cries which also shows that women are very emotional which is another stereotype. It also shows that men are the ones in the world of gender that go out and do the work as the men in this video are out fighting and working. At the end the man takes advantage of the women and treats her as a sexual object only and this shows men as sexual predators and women sexual objects to males.

Issues and problems that occur:
-Women become annoyed that men have the stereotype of holding the power in relationships and every day life. They believe and hope that women are not always at home cleaning and cooking they can get jobs and be the ones to bring in the money for the family also that man can't walk all over them and expect women to want sex and women feel they need to be respected more.
-Men on the other not believe they are aggressive that they can be caring and loving to others also that these stereotypes make males seem desperate which they are not always sexual predators.

Monday 11 November 2013

Representation of jack in the first plane crash epsiode of lost.

The scene when jack saves a women from dying he notices her when attending to the pregnant women who he then leaves to help the dying women. When he first arrives at her side he completely takes control despite the fact that a life guard is already trying to help. Despite jack knowing this man is a life guard he tells him straight what he is doing wrong and takes control himself to save this women that makes jack seem very powerful and control as well as medically knowing what to do to bring someone back to life. In this scene there are a couple of mid shots that show not only jack, the life guard and the dying women but also everything going on the background. The plane in pieces and people running around frantically is shown to show that despite everything going on jack isn’t distracted and is dedicated to save this woman.  There was also a high shot looking down on jack resuscitating the women to emphasis what he’s doing and that he knows what he’s doing to help save this women which gives the impression he must be a doctor. There were diegetic sounds going one of people screaming and the power of the plane going which was over the top of the dialogue the life guard and jack were having and when jack was talking to himself. Having these noises in the background again show jacks dedication to saving this woman and that he isn’t easily distracted.
As soon as jack arrives at the crash he comes across as heroic and controlling, as he’s continuously helping people and telling others what to do. He finds a man crushed by a part of the plane and tries himself to lift the plane but sounds for others to come over and help save this man. When he calls people over to help and they listen this shows his power he has over people to tell them what to do. A close is used on his face when he tries to lift to piece of plane off the man to enhance his facial expressions as he’s trying his hardest to move this off a man, which shows his strength and again his dedication. Another close up was used on jacks face when he shouts for some others to help his emphasises his serious expressions and the control over others to help. Again there was diegetic sounds of the plane’s engine and screams of others but these noises doesn’t distract him and he’s still capable of shouting for others over these sounds, showing power and heroic status to be heard. He uses his tie that he’s wearing to help with the man’s wound, this shows his costume, as he’s wearing a tie and smart professional clothing, which gives impressions with what he’s doing helping a man’s wound that he could be a very important doctor.
When jack comes out from the jungle thee camera does a close up shot on his face to highlight his confusion. Then the camera pans round to show the beach to give a paradise impression on the island, this pan breaks the 180 degrees rule of panning round for 180 degrees. Doing this with the pan makes the audience look and feel disorientated as the camera pans round too far showing jack’s confusion and make the audience feel confused. Then the pan edits back to a close up on jacks face showing his facial expression of confusion and shock of being on an island. While the camera pans across the beach sounds of the plane crash start being heard. Sounds of screams and engine sounds slowly are edited into the scene, even on the close up of jack the sounds are amplified and he then runs off towards the sounds. This shows jack as confused and disorientated by the surroundings he is in and despite the paradise look of the island he still sticks to hearing the screams and worries despite the look of paradise.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Rihanna rude boy, Male gaze.

This music video by Rihanna represents women as sexual with her rude and dirty gestures and dancing but at the same she's showing with her lyrics that women can be dominant over males and hold the power which some women don't always show in their music.
The whole song itself is about sex and having sex which comes across being sexually active. The lyrics used are self explanatory, she wants sex and she wants the best and wants what she wants.
In the male gaze with what she is wearing little clothing which is in her culture but at the same time attracts male attention that she's ready and wants sex, desperate.

Male gaze in real life

Romantic or sexual look because she's unashamedly showing an erotic pose.
Seductive look as eyes slightly closed and small expressions are shown.

David Beckham
Romantic or sexual look because he's unashamedly showing an erotic pose.
seductive look because eyes slightly shut and small expressions are shown.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

The Male Gaze

Marjorie ferguson:
Chocolate box, described as a half or full smile, with the lips together or slightly parted, and the face full or three-quarters to camera. The projected mood aims to be soft and sweet, not too hot or cold  (a warm bath kind of warm ), where the uniformity of the woman’s features in their “smooth perfection” (like the surface of a chocolate) is more important than her quirks or individuality.
The Invitational look, which emphasis the eyes, has the head to one side looking back at the camera, and is mischievous and mysterious in nature.

The Super Smiler, with the full face open smile, often with wind-blown hair, is enthusiastic, demanding and exciting.

Romantic or Sexual, is characteristics by wantonness, availability and, as often as not with this look, unashamedly erotic.

Trevor Millum:
Seductive, When a model is posing in the Seductive look they should have their eyes slightly closed, the expressions will be small, but will still show through, they will also aim to look confident.

Care Free look, this look can be linked to sports because it seems as if they are active and healthy.

Practical, this look will include a model who seems to be concentrating something, so their eyes will be focused and their mouth will be closed but not tightly.

Comic, This will be seem as if the actor/model is being stupid, comical, funny and it will normally be exaggerated, to make the most as if to seem that what they are laughing at is very funny.

Catalogue, This will make the model have their eyes wide open, with a big smile as if they are not stupid but quite dumb.

Monday 4 November 2013

The Male Gaze, image notes

  • hands on waist to attract attention to the waist area
  • legs open, suggestive and sexual
  • oiled up suggesting sex and sweat
  • strong powerful poses
  • eyes closed and head up suggests orgasms and sex
  • wearing heels and stockings to look sexy and hot
  • underwear black and see through, sexy
  • looking away and down at the camera, shows power
  • advert for women and interests men more
  • image used for pleasure, selling and attracting attention

  • arm up and gripping onto something to enhance arm muscles
  • pulling his pants gives a suggestive sexual impression
  • oiled up again to show sex and sweat
  • looking straight at camera (breaking 4t wall)
  • features of body, muscles, abs, facial bones enhance with use of direct lighting and oil
  • tattoo on private area is sexy and suggestive
  •  body toned and tanned but showing tan lines enhancing pant line and private parts